
Monday, July 5, 2010

PFO Day 10 - Real Life Stuff

Do you know that place when classroom or training goes from theory, ideas, and concepts to real life situations, experiences, and choices?  Yeah, that place where reality meets fantasy or dreams and you have to take inventory of all the things you hold near and dear to you.  That was today at PFO.  Real life situations simulated for us to question and examine our attitudes and actions. 

Situation: Hostile takeover of the country your school is in, authorities trying to get you out, enough food for 1-3 weeks if rationed right.  2 hours of decision-making based on simulated changes as the situation went from bad to worse. Groups reacted differently, some aggressively, some defensively.  Some had people "killed", most reacted well, I guess.  After the "game", we debriefed about our reactions and most everyone agreed that more debriefing would happen as the week went on.

After lunch, we went through conflict management and healthy attitude helps.  Both were very well taught and full of information.  Overall, a very good day of information with lots of reflection and openness.

Now, we'll be up all night writing self-reflection papers that are due tomorrow night by 7. writing papers based on feelings and thoughts.

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