
Monday, July 26, 2010


Wow, GOD IS GREAT!!!  In 5 days, God has done the following for our cause:
  • Raised our support from 40% to 83%!!
  • Sold our van for a reasonable price!
  • Found a buyer for our house placing a contract on it to close August 12!!

We are amazed and in awe of HIS handiwork and pray for a finish as spectacular as the climactic week we've just experienced.  The best part...we've been cleared to get on the plane for Saturday!!!  We will leave Midland at 1:30pm for Dallas.  Leaving DFW at 5:30 pm, we will arrive in London at 8:30 (local)am.  A 6 hour layover and we will leave at 2:40pm arriving in VIENNA at 6:10pm!!!!  We are so excited and extremely stressed due to the amount of things we have to do before we leave.  Please pray that we can get it all in and not just die on the flights!!

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