
Friday, August 20, 2010


What a crazy 20 days!!!  We have been moving in so many directions that I still trying to find myself in the midst of it all.  Just to give you all an idea how crazy it has been:
  • Landed on Sunday Aug 1 to a group of welcomers who lavished us with love, support, and food.  Just what you need after picking up your life and travelling overseas.
  • New Staff Orientation - One week of here's how it works here...still didn't cover it all but was great to have.
  • Buddies - gotta love 'em...our guides into this new world.  Transport routes, furniture runs, and grocery shopping.
  • Cultural adaptation - learning how to order a sandwich at the deli, eating Mexican food at a restaurant ran by Mexican nationals who speak German, riding the public transportation system trying to understand the German that is being spoken faster than any Spanish/Tex-Mex I've ever heard.
  • Building your own furniture from IKEA using only an hex head tool (Allen wrench)
  • ALL-STAFF BBQ - good BBQ made by a Southerner...hard to beat.
  • Staff Meetings all week long covering so much material that you go home on overload every day.
  • Obtaining bank accounts, work visas, braving the mall, the s-bahn (fast trains), and leaving the family to go on their own (this was very hard for me).
  • LAUNDRY - It takes forever...1 hr wash cycles, no dryer so clothes get hung outside if the weather is good.
God has been so good through everything.  He has blessed us with everything we need and above all we could have dreamed.  We have found a church to attend and get involved with.  Above and beyond all we can ask or imagine is what God has done and will continue to do because of His great love for us.  What a Great God we serve!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

In Vienna (Wien) Finally!!

Finally, we have arrived in Wien (Vienna), Austria.  We left Midland at 1:30pm on July 31.  American Airlines almost messed us up but put us on a turboprop to get us to DFW.  British Airways thought we weren't coming, gave away our seats, then when we showed, gave us new ones in an upgraded class.  Awesome ride of comfort and food.  Wish I could have slept more.  Arrived in London at 2:30 am Midland time and waited for 6 hours until leaving for Vienna at 8:40 am (Midland Time).  Nice flight to Vienna, seeing the Alps in the distance was awesome!!  Landed safely at 11:00am meeting our new friends at the airport.
The first day here was very tiresome but enjoyable.  Our house is uber-awesome!!!  Can not believe God allowed us to have such an awesome place to serve and live.  We all are doing well.  Going shopping for furniture, small appliances, and food today.  Hope to get some pics uploaded in the next few days.